
Why Does Easter Matter?

Watch the video or download our free resource to find out!

Easter Matters Because He Lives!

On Good Friday, Jesus' body was placed in a sealed tomb and three days later, Jesus rose from the dead!

Easter points to the empty tomb and God's declaration of victory over death and sin through Jesus' resurrection.

God fully delivered on his promises.


Join Us for Easter!

Easter means God keeps his promises. Come celebrate the Easter promises of God with us!

Sunday, April 9
10:30 AM

King of Kings Lutheran Church
2815 Lost Nation Road
Willoughby, OH 44094

Free Resource

Why Does Easter Matter?

Are you curious about Easter and why people celebrate it? Have you always wondered what it's all about, but didn't know who to ask?

Click or tap the button below to receive our free resource, explaining Easter and why it matters.

No email address necessary — you'll receive immediate access to the resource!
